Integrative Mindfulness Coaching

Ketamine Assisted Therapy (KAT)

Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP)

Breathwork, Meditation, Integrative Wellness, and Mindfulness Coaching Programs for Existing Ketamine Therapy Treatment Plans

Full Program KAT/KAP Solutions for Progressive Clinics

Clinical - Radical - Transformational

Depression has become the #1 disability worldwide

There are nearly 800,000 suicides per year worldwide. On average, 1 every 40 seconds.

KAT/KAP is proving to be a viable solution for Treatment-Resistant Depression and PTSD when other means were not effective.

KAT/KAP gives hope to those suffering and gives healing to those that need it quickly.


Integrative Mindfulness Coaching

Breathwork, Meditation, Mindfulness Training, Mindset Coaching, and Integrative Wellness Paired With Ketamine Therapy

Revolutionizing Mental Wellness

Ketamine Assisted Therapy is revolutionizing the way we approach mental health treatments. Designed to provide rapid and profound relief from conditions such as depression, PTSD, anxiety disorders, and more, this cutting-edge therapeutic approach combines the unique properties of ketamine with targeted psychotherapy. The result? A highly effective method that can help individuals overcome deeply rooted challenges and reclaim their lives.

When adding Integrative Counseling and Mindfulness Coaching to a ketamine therapy treatment plan, patient outcomes improve quickly and sustain positive growth long term.

The TrilataMind Difference

Our Ketamine-Assisted Therapy is a cutting-edge approach that combines the therapeutic benefits of ketamine with breathwork, mindfulness, mindset coaching, integrative wellness, and meditation.

Our revolutionary treatment plans have been rapidly gaining recognition for their remarkable effectiveness in providing relief for individuals suffering from treatment-resistant mental health conditions.

Neuroplasticity Boost

Neuroplasticity, the brain's ability to adapt and rewire itself, is a crucial component in enhancing patient well-being.

When combined with breathwork, meditation, mindfulness, and integrative wellness techniques, neuroplasticity is significantly enhanced, leading to even greater results in ketamine therapy.

This holistic process of growth and healing facilitates the rewiring of neural pathways associated with depression, anxiety, and other mental health conditions to create healthier brain structures that create healthier minds.

Integrative Mindfulness Coaching practices work synergistically with ketamine therapy, promoting optimal brain function and overall well-being.

Together, these holistic approaches create positive changes in the brain and mind, fostering long-lasting improvements in patient outcomes and quality of life.


Integrative Mindfulness Coaching

“There is a significant improvement in patient wellbeing when they start a TrilataMind program.”

- Tasha B., PMHNP

Breathwork and Ketamine Therapy

Breathwork has emerged as an essential practice for ketamine therapy patients prior to their treatment sessions, during their sessions, and after the sessions are over.

By focusing on their breath, patients can cultivate deep relaxation, connecting with the present moment and grounding themselves in the here and now.

Breathwork enhances the overall ketamine experience but also allows for better reception and integration of the therapy's healing potential.

Breathwork allows patients to reap the full benefits of the treatment, paving the way for higher echelons of personal growth, emotional healing, and transformative experiences.

Breathwork and Ketamine Therapy

  • Before embarking on the transformative journey of ketamine therapy, it is crucial to prepare the mind and body. Engaging in intentional breathwork allows patients to reset their mindsets, bringing about a state of peace and balance. By focusing on their breath, patients can cultivate deep relaxation, connecting with the present moment and grounding themselves in the here and now. This preparatory practice not only enhances the overall ketamine experience but also allows for better reception and integration of the therapy's healing potential. By starting the session with a calm and centered mindset, patients create an optimal environment for the therapy to achieve its best results, fostering profound insights, emotional breakthroughs, and lasting personal growth. The simple act of conscious breath becomes a powerful tool, allowing individuals to tap into their inner resources and embark on their therapeutic journey with intention and serenity.

  • Breathwork plays a crucial role in optimizing the outcome of ketamine therapy sessions for patients. During a treatment session, focusing on deep, intentional breathing allows patients to establish a strong mind-body connection, enhancing their overall experience. By harnessing the power of breath, individuals can cultivate a sense of presence and calmness, mitigating any potential anxiety or restlessness that may arise during the session. Breathwork also assists in grounding and centering patients, enabling them to fully immerse themselves in the therapeutic process. Furthermore, intentional breathing aids in slowing down the heart rate and activating the parasympathetic nervous system, promoting relaxation and reducing the likelihood of adverse side effects.

  • Breathwork holds significant importance for ketamine therapy patients as a vital component to enhance the efficacy of the treatment. Following a session, engaging in intentional and focused breathwork can facilitate the full integration of the therapeutic experience. By consciously directing deep and rhythmic breaths, patients can ground themselves, alleviate any residual anxiety or apprehension, and cultivate a heightened state of self-awareness. Breathwork acts as a catalyst in the processing and integration of the insights gleaned during the ketamine therapy session, allowing for a more profound and transformative healing experience. This intentional practice enables patients to enhance the therapeutic benefits of ketamine while fostering a sense of calm, clarity, and potential breakthroughs in their journey towards healing and self-discovery.

Breathwork plays a crucial role in optimizing the outcome of ketamine therapy sessions for patients.

The rhythmic maintenance of breath aligns with the ketamine-induced dissociative state, helping patients navigate and integrate their experiences more effectively.

Meditation and Ketamine Therapy

Meditation, with its focus on deep relaxation, can augment the calming effects of ketamine, further promoting a sense of inner tranquility.

By combining meditation and ketamine therapy, patients experience enhanced physical, mental, and emotional healing.

Meditation helps to alleviate stress, anxiety, and depression, helping patients to achieve a heightened state of mental clarity and emotional stability.

Meditation is a holistic approach to healing, encompassing the mind, body, and spirit in the pursuit of complete well-being.

Meditation and Ketamine Therapy

  • Ketamine therapy, known for its rapid antidepressant effects, fosters deep introspection and facilitates the resolution of psychological distress. By integrating meditation techniques, patients can amplify the benefits of ketamine therapy. Meditation cultivates a state of heightened present-moment awareness, enabling individuals to immerse themselves fully in the ketamine experience. This focused mindset allows patients to engage with their subconscious, explore suppressed thoughts and emotions, and gain deeper insights into their own mental landscapes.

  • Through the regular practice of meditation, individuals develop emotional resilience, allowing them to navigate the complexities of life more effectively. This resilience is especially vital during the transformative journey of ketamine therapy, as patients often confront difficult emotions and traumas. Meditation provides invaluable tools to manage and process emotions, fostering inner strength and fortitude, leading to enhanced personal growth.

  • Integrating meditation into ketamine therapy can significantly enhance self-awareness and insight among patients. Meditation nurtures an inner space of observation, helping individuals recognize recurring thought patterns, negative self-beliefs, and behavioral tendencies. By fostering self-awareness, patients gain a greater understanding of the roots of their suffering and can begin dismantling harmful patterns. The combination of ketamine's introspective qualities and meditation's self-reflective nature allows patients to break free from deeply ingrained cycles, fostering personal growth and transformation.

  • A crucial aspect of personal growth lies in the integration of mind, body, and spirit. Meditation serves as a bridge between these realms, fostering a deeper connection between the cognitive and somatic aspects of an individual's being. Ketamine therapy awakens dormant areas of the brain, while meditation synchronizes the mind and body, allowing patients to access and process long-held emotional and physical traumas. This integrated approach empowers patients to embark on a holistic healing journey, promoting personal growth, and enhancing overall well-being.

Meditation can also aid in the exploration and processing of past traumas, enabling patients to release stored emotions and find solace in their healing journey.

Meditation cultivates a stronger sense of resilience, equipping patients with essential tools to manage any pain or discomfort during the ketamine therapy process.

Mindfulness and Ketamine Therapy

By fostering a deeper connection with oneself and the present moment, patients are able to develop a greater sense of peace and purpose.

Mindfulness assists in identifying previously unconscious patterns and triggers, allowing patients to address them and shift to peaceful states more effectively.

Mindfulness also empowers patients to develop a compassionate and non-reactive attitude towards their inner experiences, promoting self-acceptance and reducing anxiety, depression, and other mental health challenges.

Mindfulness cultivates a sense of groundedness and self-compassion that further supports patients on their healing journey, facilitating a deeper connection with their inner selves and promoting long-term well-being.

Mindfulness practices extend beyond the ketamine sessions, providing patients with valuable tools to manage symptoms and maintain a state of overall well-being in their daily lives.

Mindfulness and Ketamine Therapy

  • Mindfulness has the power to enhance resilience, allowing patients to face life's challenges with greater ease and adaptability. By equipping patients with mindfulness tools, they are empowered to effectively navigate future difficulties and setbacks while fostering a sense of overall well-being and happiness.

  • The integration of mindfulness techniques during ketamine therapy sessions lead to profound insights. This combination enables patients to access their subconscious minds and explore the underlying causes of their mental health challenges, paving the way for transformative breakthroughs and lasting healing.

  • While ketamine therapy has shown immense promise in treating a range of mental health conditions, the inclusion of mindfulness coaching significantly elevates its efficacy to new levels, most notably in the long term.

  • Mindfulness has been clinically proven to foster emotional regulation, increase resilience, reduce stress, and promote a sense of well-being. By integrating mindfulness coaching, patients can enhance the overall therapeutic experience, opening them up to deeper insights, emotional healing, and transformative growth.

Mindfulness coaching allows patients to cultivate a greater level of self-awareness, enabling them to better recognize and understand their emotions, thoughts, and physical sensations. This heightened self-awareness creates a solid foundation for emotional healing and personal growth. When patients can better understand their inner state during a ketamine treatment, they can more effectively implement the new insights received in the integration phases after treatment.

Mindfulness with Ketamine Therapy

A groundbreaking approach that combines the therapeutic benefits of ketamine with the wisdom of mindfulness to revolutionize the way we treat mental illness.

Integrative Wellness and Ketamine Therapy

Integrative wellness practices complement ketamine therapy to offer patients a holistic path towards complete life improvement.

By incorporating various supplemental wellness modalities, such as nutrition, exercise, and sleep, ketamine therapy patients can enhance their overall well-being and amplify the positive effects of the treatment.

By embracing integrative wellness practices alongside ketamine therapy, patients can embark on a transformative journey towards achieving complete life improvement in all aspects of their lives.

Integrative Wellness and Ketamine Therapy

  • A balanced and nutritious diet provides the body with essential nutrients, supporting mental clarity and physical vitality. Nutrition plays a vital role in supporting patients undergoing ketamine therapy to achieve the best possible outcomes. As ketamine treatment focuses on alleviating symptoms of mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder, a well-balanced diet becomes even more critical. Adequate nutrition ensures that the body receives essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals necessary for optimal brain function. Research suggests that certain foods, including those rich in omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and amino acids, can help promote neuroplasticity and reduce inflammation, thereby enhancing the positive effects of ketamine therapy. Additionally, maintaining stable blood sugar levels through regular, nourishing meals can further support mental health stability during treatment. Proper nutrition not only reinforces the mind-body connection but also empowers patients to actively participate in their healing journey.

  • Regular exercise helps release endorphins, improving mood and boosting energy levels. Fitness, activity, and motion are crucial components for ketamine therapy patients achieving complete wellness. While ketamine therapy can have transformative effects on mental health, incorporating physical exercise into one's routine can further enhance the overall benefits. Engaging in regular physical activity not only helps to improve cardiovascular health, increase strength, and boost energy levels, but also releases endorphins, which can alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety. Additionally, exercise promotes better sleep patterns, which are essential for patients undergoing ketamine therapy. By incorporating fitness into their routine, patients can optimize their mental and physical well-being, enhancing the effectiveness of ketamine therapy to achieve holistic wellness.

  • Prioritizing healthy sleep habits allows for rejuvenation and optimal brain function is key. Sleep plays a fundamental role in supporting the healing process for ketamine therapy patients. While the transformative effects of ketamine on mental health are widely recognized, it is during sleep that the brain solidifies these changes and facilitates long-lasting healing. Adequate sleep enables the integration and consolidation of the insights and breakthroughs achieved during ketamine therapy sessions. It allows the brain to form new connections and rewire neural pathways that may have been disrupted due to trauma or mental health conditions. Sleep also promotes emotional regulation, enhancing the patient's ability to process and address unresolved issues. Moreover, sufficient rest helps restore physical energy, enabling the body to heal and replenish itself. Therefore, promoting good sleep hygiene is paramount in ensuring optimal outcomes for ketamine therapy patients, as it supports the holistic healing of both mind and body.

  • Being in nature and getting ample sunlight are crucial elements for optimizing healing and growth during a ketamine therapy plan. Nature has a profound impact on our overall well-being, providing a sense of calm, grounding, and connection. When undergoing ketamine therapy, which can be emotionally intense, immersing oneself in nature can offer solace and support the healing process. Sunlight also plays a vital role in replenishing vitamin D levels, enhancing mood, and regulating circadian rhythms, all of which are essential for emotional stability and growth. The combination of being in nature and receiving sunlight during ketamine therapy helps promote a holistic healing experience, facilitating introspection, mindfulness, and rejuvenation. Nature's beauty and the healing power of sunlight can truly amplify the transformative effects of ketamine therapy, leading to profound shifts in one's emotional and mental well-being.

  • Creativity and spending time in creative thought or activities play a pivotal role in enhancing the results of ketamine therapy for patients and enabling them to enhance their lives in more expansive ways. The process of engaging in creative endeavors acts as a catalyst for self-expression, self-discovery, and personal growth. It encourages patients to explore their innermost emotions, thoughts, and experiences while providing an outlet to communicate and process them in a constructive manner. By tapping into their creative potential during ketamine therapy, patients are able to unlock deeper insights, gain a fresh perspective on their challenges, and navigate their journey toward healing with greater clarity and resilience. Moreover, creativity fosters a sense of empowerment and agency, enabling patients to actively participate in their own healing process. Through creative avenues such as art, music, writing, or even mindful contemplation, individuals undergoing ketamine therapy can transcend traditional limitations, expand their consciousness, and forge a path toward transformation that is both healing and enriching.

  • Service to others is of utmost importance, especially during a ketamine therapy plan, as it contributes to a heightened sense of well-being and true authentic joy. Engaging in acts of service provides a meaningful purpose beyond oneself, allowing individuals to connect with their fellow human beings on a deeper level. During a ketamine therapy journey, where the mind and spirit are exposed to transformative experiences, focusing on the needs of others can have a profound impact. By selflessly offering time, support, or assistance to those in need, individuals not only contribute to the betterment of society but also tap into a wellspring of fulfillment that transcends personal struggles. This act of service becomes a catalyst for personal growth, empowering individuals to recognize their own capacity for empathy and compassion. Additionally, acts of service boost self-esteem and a sense of purpose in the awareness of one’s unique capabilities to serve the world. When one recognizes the interconnectedness of all beings, the joy that arises from service is not contingent on external circumstances but is firmly rooted in the uplifting effect it has on the recipient and the giver themselves.

  • During a ketamine treatment plan, the importance of learning new things cannot be underestimated. Engaging in novel activities and acquiring new knowledge can have transformative benefits for the brain and mind of the patient. Learning stimulates the brain's neuroplasticity, which allows for the creation and strengthening of new neural connections. By actively participating in learning, patients can maximize the therapeutic effects of ketamine treatment. The benefits encompass enhanced cognitive functioning, increased neural rejuvenation, improved memory, and heightened creativity. Learning also fosters a sense of accomplishment and purpose, further boosting self-esteem and overall well-being. Embracing new experiences and knowledge during the course of ketamine treatment can bring about profound changes in the patient's brain and mind, leading to a more enriched and fulfilling life.

  • Human connection plays a vital role during the healing phases of a ketamine therapy plan. Ketamine therapy, known for its efficacy in treating depression, anxiety, and other mental health conditions, requires a compassionate support system to navigate through the highs and lows. In this context, online support groups prove to be invaluable resources, offering an accessible and convenient means of staying connected. These groups provide a safe space for individuals in therapy to share their experiences, offer and receive support, and foster a sense of community. They allow participants to connect with like-minded individuals who understand their struggles and triumphs, creating a network of empathy and understanding. Whether it's sharing insights, exchanging coping strategies, or simply listening to one another, online support groups enhance the healing process by fostering an environment of acceptance and support.

  • Engaging in spiritual awareness (when sought by the patient) presents an uplifting boost to individuals undergoing ketamine therapy, as it forms a more robust pathway to healing and higher levels of soul growth. Ketamine therapy serves as a powerful catalyst for self-discovery and introspection, allowing patients to access the depths of their consciousness and explore uncharted territories of their inner world. By incorporating spiritual practices into their therapeutic journey, patients unlock the transformative potential woven within their souls. Through prayer, meditation, or connecting with nature, these individuals can tap into a state of heightened spiritual awareness, transcending the boundaries of their physical existence. By delving into the realms of their soul, patients are more likely to forge a profound bond with their inner selves, facilitating holistic healing and igniting a renewed sense of purpose and vitality on the journey to recovery. Spirituality acts as an essential framework for navigating the complexities of the human experience, cultivating resilience, and unlocking the wellsprings of healing that reside within.

By harnessing the transformative synergy between integrative mindfulness coaching and ketamine, patients can achieve transformational personal growth and experience profound healing in mind, body, and soul.

The Integration

Breathwork, meditation, wellness, and mindfulness coaching play a crucial role in harnessing the transformative power of ketamine therapy. While ketamine therapy can spur the production of new neuronal components, it is through intentional practices such as breathwork, meditation, and mindfulness that these new elements are integrated into a newly functioning brain by design.

These practices create a supportive environment for the brain, allowing the newly formed connections and pathways to strengthen and flourish. By incorporating follow-up sessions, individuals undergoing ketamine therapy can optimize the potential of their treatment, nurturing the growth of a brain that is attuned to their desired states of being.

Through regular practice, individuals can cultivate greater self-awareness, emotional regulation, and cognitive functioning, ultimately leading to enhanced well-being and a more fulfilling life.

When we create healthy neural structures that produce positive habits, thoughts, and lifestyle changes - we create radical life improvement that lasts.

TrilataMind Solutions

Enhance the transformative potential of ketamine with the powerful insights of mindfulness.

The TrilataMind Way

Catalyzing Growth Programs

Our Catalyzing Growth Programs are comprehensive solutions for clinics seeking Integrative Mindfulness Coaching and Online Support Groups for their patients receiving Ketamine Therapy for Depression or PTSD.

Our Catalyzing Growth Programs are designed to supplement and enhance an already existing ketamine treatment plan.

Our Catalyzing Growth Programs provide an in-depth step-by-step guide to reclaiming their lives, achieving personal goals, creating profound inner peace, and enjoying lasting happiness that expands.

Our dedication to patient improvement, understanding of their journey, and in-depth knowledge of human behavior allow us to provide a unique experience that positively impacts their journey of healing immensely.

We offer detailed, in-depth, and comprehensive blueprints for complete personal evolution and it makes all the difference.

Our customized KAT/PAT mobile app for pre-treatment, in-treatment, and post-treatment patient growth offers monumental guidance for thought management and building a new life.

  • "Padraic works wonders in our support group. Our patients are so happy to have extra support in between treatments and also have a space to share their journey together."

    Lindsey B., PMHNP

  • "Our patients love the "Evolv3 by TrilataMind" app. The meditation pods help them a lot and they can listen to them before, during, and after treatment, which is critically important to have that consistency in a program."

    Alli T., RN

  • "Our patients really enjoy the weekly discussions with Padraic. He gets them. They see it and it means a lot. He is genuinely authentic and our patients really appreciate that. They become kind of like our family too. So, to have Padraic resonate with them and inspire them like that is everything.

    Veronica W., RN

  • "The meditation classes alone made the patient growth program worth it. All the other benefits are added bonues!"

    Holly L., RN

  • “There are rapidly significant improvements in the wellbeing of patients that attend Padraic's sessions and support group.”

    Eloise J., PMHNP

Integrative Mindfulness Coaching

Comprehensive programs designed for enhanced patient growth

Integrative Wellness


Transformational Coaching



Mobile App

Support Groups

Group Sessions

Individual Sessions

Digital Member Areas


Integrative Wellness

Empowering whole-person balance to successfully achieve life goals.

Holistic - Enhancing the whole by enhancing each part individually

Integrative - Integrating a combination of modalities addressing a combination of systems

Wellness - Wholeness, harmony, and balance in the whole system

Integrative Wellness

Integrative wellness utilizes alternative medicine with an evidence-based approach to health and well-being that addresses the whole person - mind, body, and soul.

It “integrates” conventional approaches and complementary therapies to achieve optimal health and healing.

Integrative medicine focuses on you as a whole person and not just your illness or disease. While it seeks to understand the underlying cause of your symptoms or condition, it does so by looking at your complete mind, body, and spirit.

Integrative Wellness and Mindfulness Coaching

Coaching towards balance and wholeness in mind, body, and soul to facilitate more profound states of peace, happiness, and life fulfillment.

Guidance from a place of knowing there is more to one part of the human being, and addressing the whole person is the only way of truly and effectively optimizing wellbeing.

Transformational Coaching

Reframe. Process. Release. Prune. 

One-on-One Sessions / Group Sessions

Customized Neuroplasticity Techniques

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)

Motivational Enhancement Therapy (MET)

Integrative Wellness Strategies, Tools, and Techniques

Mind Mapping

Functional Analytic Psychotherapy

Self-Motivation Frameworks

Personalized Guidance

Guided Imagery and Visualization

Thought Management

Stress Management

Relaxation Techniques

High-Performance States of Mind

Action-Based Solution Development

Expedited Goal Achievement Strategies

Growth Mindset Frameworks

Lifestyle Medicine

Coaching Modalities Utilized

Mindset Coaching

Transformational Coaching

Meditation Coaching

Results Coaching

Depression Coaching

Motivation Coaching

Anxiety Coaching

Trauma Coaching

Mindfulness Coaching

Total Improvement Coaching

Spiritual Coaching (Optional)

Meditation Modalities Utilized

TrilataMind Meditation

Zen Meditation

Mindfulness Meditation

Yoga Nidra Meditation

Mantra Meditation

Primordial Sound Meditation

Vipassana Meditation (Occasionally)

Buddhist Meditation (Optional)

Taoist Meditation (Optional)

Hindu Meditation (Optional)

Christian Meditation (Optional)

TrilataMind Meditation

Learn how to meditate as a life skill.

Find peace, optimization, and breakthrough.

Enhance creativity, intuition, and productivity.

Repair brain, revitalize mind, and expand consciousness.

Evolv3 by TrilataMind

KAT/KAP-Focused Meditation App

Pre-Treatment Meditations

During-Treatment Meditations

Post-Treatment Meditations

Meditation Music

Sound Therapy

Sounds of Nature

Inspiring Audio Courses

Mindset Coaching

Self-Motivation Frameworks

Profound Insight

Goal Tracking

Online Support Groups

Build, Launch, and Manage

Offer your patients/participants a support group to further improve their growth.

Online Support Group build, launch, management, maintenance, and monitoring are included in our Diamond Memberships.

Our Online Support Group service is a seamless and effortless project on your behalf and is branded with your company’s logo and colors. Full integration with your website is available at your request.

(4) 60-minute live meetings (online or in person) (1 per week)

Online platform to provide a community of support in between live meetings

Full facilitation of in-person support group meetings

Full facilitation of online support group meetings

Exclusive Member Areas:

Audio Enlightenment Pods

Guided Meditations

Meditation Music

Class Worksheet Downloads PLUS Digital File Cabinet

Additional Therapeutic Resource Downloads

Integrative Wellness Tips and Printable Calendars

Self-Motivation Inspiration

Neuroplasticity Techniques & Rapid Learning Tips

Session Scheduling Calendar

Learning & Support

In-Depth Weekly Reporting

Quantitative Reporting

Group Session Attendance Count

Assessment Scaling/Scoring Changes


Qualitative Reporting

Overview of patient morale.

Progress reporting and patient standouts in improvement.

Worrisome reporting and patient red flags to note and keep an eye on.

Overview of interaction and involvement or listening and absorbing?

Overview of active vs passive engagement.

“I like how Padraic’s program focuses on the present moment and on building a new future. That alone is highly therapeutic for our patients. They are ready to move forward and Padraic does an amazing job at leading the way to a new life, guiding them on that new path, and patiently working with them through each step.”

- Lisa J., PMHNP

Integrative Mindfulness Coaching

Paired with Ketamine Therapy

Breathwork, Meditation, Integrative Wellness, Mindfulness, and Mindset Coaching to Enhance Patient Results

Catalyzing Growth Programs


Integrative Mindfulness Coaching

Monthly Membership Packages

Diamond and Platinum packages serve 1-100 patients.

For 100+, please request Enterprise pricing.

Enterprise packages are ideal for clinics with multiple locations.

Starter Membership Monthly Benefits

(One Clinic)

  • (4) 60-minute group coaching sessions (1 per week)

  • (1) Bonus breathwork/meditation session per month

  • (5) Individual session vouchers - redeemed at your specific request

  • In-person group meeting size 1-100 patients/participants

  • Full access to the app for each individual patient/participant

  • Full access to the app for each individual staff/facilitator

  • Full access to exclusive Member Areas

  • Weekly quantitative reporting

  • Weekly qualitative reporting

Accelerator Membership Monthly Benefits

(One Clinic)

  • (4) 60-minute group coaching sessions (1 per week)

  • (4) 60-minute support group meetings (1 per week)

  • (15) Individual session vouchers - redeemed at your specific request

  • (1) Online Support Group build, launch, and management

  • (1) Bonus breathwork/meditation session per month

  • In-person group meeting size 1-100 patients/participants

  • Online support group size - unlimited

  • Full access to the app for each individual patient/participant

  • Full access to the app for each individual staff/facilitator

  • Online support group build, launch, and management on your behalf and with your company branding. Your online support group will be fully dedicated to your patients/participants only

  • Full access to exclusive Member Areas

  • Weekly quantitative reporting

  • Weekly qualitative reporting

Enterprise Membership Monthly Benefits

(Multiple Clinics)

  • (4) 60-minute group coaching sessions (1 per week)

  • (4) 60-minute support group meetings (1 per week)

  • (15) Individual session vouchers - redeemed at your specific request

  • (1) Online Support Group build, launch, and management

  • (1) Bonus breathwork/meditation session per month

  • In-person group meeting size 1-100 patients/participants

  • Online support group size - unlimited

  • Full access to the app for each individual patient/participant

  • Full access to the app for each individual staff/facilitator

  • Online support group build, launch, and management on your behalf and with your company branding. Your online support group will be fully dedicated to your patients/participants only

  • Full access to exclusive Member Areas

  • Weekly quantitative reporting

  • Weekly qualitative reporting

All Catalyzing Growth Programs are Integrative Mindfulness Coaching programs that offer group sessions to all your patients in a group setting either online or in person.

Individual sessions vary by package. Custom package options are available by request to include more individual sessions.

Sign up today for instant access to your Member Areas, Session Scheduling, Exclusive Content, and more!

Optional Patient Add-On

Individual KAT/KAP Mindset Coaching

Pre-Session/In-Session/Post-Session Availability

Available by request.

If you seek individual care for a patient, individual add-on sessions are a great way for additional support to coach individual patients through particular adversity to personal growth.

Individual invoicing is available for billing and insurance reimbursement purposes.

Invoiced at the end of each billing cycle.

Optional Clinic Add-On

Website Development

Looking for a website redesign? We can help with that. Website development, graphic design, and video production are available as optional add-ons to take your clinic to the next level. Our modern, professional, and user-friendly design provides an industry-leading online image.

CRM - Build and Integration

Having trouble managing prospects, converting them to patients, and building a profitable funnel? We can help with that too. Our CRM Build and Integration can be added to any Website Development package or can be a standalone service with your existing site.

SEO, Marketing, and Analytics

Having trouble getting leads? Our SEO packages help to boost online visibility, traffic, and conversion rates organically. Our Marketing packages offer full-service ad campaign development, launch, and management with reporting and analytics on any platform.


PAT - Coming Soon

Psychedelic Assisted Therapy

Psychedelic assisted journeys tailored to life improvement and personal growth